Full Statement
The INLA and IRSP were formed in 1974 in order to create a 32 County Socialist Republic. In those 35 years military volunteers and political activists have fought with courage and honour and have struck at the heart of the British military and political machine in Ireland and in Britain. The INLA is a key constituency within the Republican Socialist Movement (RSM). The INLA recognised that its struggle was based upon two distinct phases:
(1) Armed Resistance (2) Political Organisation
In 1994 the INLA put in place a no first strike policy and in 1998 called a complete cease-fire. Both of these decisions were based on its political analysis and monitoring of the changing military and political environment. The recent progress on loyalist decommissioning can be traced back to the INLA’s “no first strike policy” of 1994 and the INLA acknowledges this progressive step by loyalism.
The RSM has been informed by the INLA that following a process of serious debate, consultation and analysis, it has concluded that the armed struggle is over and the objective of a 32 County Socialist Republic will be best achieved through exclusively peaceful political struggle.
The RSM agree with this analysis and are fully supportive of the move to build a left wing party that has a clear objective of a 32 County Socialist Republic based on the principles of equality, justice, inclusion, human rights and dignity.
It is within the above objective that the RSM opposed the Good Friday Agreement and continues to do so. We as a movement believe that the Six County State is not a viable political entity, which cannot be reformed and fitted into a flawed two State solution.
The RSM has always aspired to the principle of the primacy of politics as espoused by Ta Power.
The future struggles are political. We urge all comrades, members, volunteers and supporters to join the political struggle ahead with the same vigour, commitment and courage that was evident in our armed struggle against the British State.
To para-phrase James Connolly ‘let us arise’, build a left political alternative in Ireland and support the struggle against global capitalism.
Ultimately our allegiance is to the working class, onwards to victory.
Sunday, 11 October 2009
"The Armed Struggle is Over"
"The Armed Struggle is Over" - INLA
The Irish National Liberation Army were formed in 1975, believed to be formed as a break away from the the Official IRA who had three years previous called a Ceasefire. The INLA have had a reputation for ruthlessness and were involved in many high profile killings of the troubles. They were responsible for the death of Billy Wright and Airey Neave and the 1982 bomb attack on the "Droppin' Well Pub" in Derry.
Patsy O'Hara(61 Days), Kevin Lynch(71 Days) and Michael Devine(60 Days) all died on hunger strike whilst protesting for political status and prisioner rights in Long Kesh in 1981. Liam McCloskey was also on the strike for 55 days before the strike ended. All were members of the INLA.
The INLA are dedicated to Irish Freedom and the establishment of a 32 County Socialist Republic.
Following the GFA, to which they opposed, the INLA called a ceasefire, which they have maintained for eleven years. This is a reflection of their dedication to the people and their cause. However, in their wake they had left a legacy of 113 deaths including 46 British Security forces, 2 Irish Security Forces, 16 Republican paramilitaries, 7 loyalist paramilitaries and regretably a further 42 civilians.
The Political wing of the INLA, the Irish Republican Socialist Party, issued the statement at an event in Bray in County Wicklow.
"The RSM [Republican Socialist Movement] has been informed by the INLA that following a process of serious debate, consultation and analysis, it has concluded that the armed struggle is over and the objective of a 32 County Socialist Republic will be best achieved through exclusively peaceful political struggle "
Their was no mention of decommisioning during the statement, however it is believed that the process has already begun, although it is only at the discussion stage.
In recent years the INLA, like all "dissidents", have been accused of criminal activity, namely drugs, however the INLA have in the past used beatings and kneecappings to punish dealers. It is a hard pill for me to swallow, that these community based men and women would now allow such activities to turn their streets into the "republican ghettos" we hear so much about. I personally question this as being a hard "fact".
Reactions from all mainstream parties have been as expected.
"Given the history of the INLA there will undoubtedly be some scepticism about today's statement... However, if it is followed by the actions that are necessary, this is a welcome development" - Gerry Adams
Despite this reaction being the same as that of unionists to the PIRA decmmision I guess this reaction was to be expected. However the reaction of non mainstream Republicans is likely to be different, as it seems that another Republican organisation dedicated to the establishment of a 32 County Socialist Republic surrendered, as this is an aim that many Irish believe is unachievable if we give up our weapons.
The action of giving up our weapons to the occupier is hardly likely to achieve freedom from that occupier, considering they have refused to allow our freedom since 1167. However the INLA, who opposed the GFA and the idea of moving into the politcal spectrum have now decided that is the only way forward. We see this following moves by the loyalist paramilitaries, a move I believe was necessary before more Republican weapons are decommissioned.
As I stated in previous blogs I do not currently see the space for armed struggle at this stage in the Republican struggle for freedom. The Irish people, and the Republican movement, has always insisted that armed struggle should be the last option. At this moment the support for armed struggle, where it is not as low as the British state would have us believe, it is not what it use to be in previous years, though it is on the rise. I believe in the Republican stance of opposing the Britsh Army and opposing the current Police Force, however at this stage I do not see the need for armed force. I agreed with the INLA stance of a ceasefire, but not surrender.
I do not agree with the complete disarmament of the Republican groups, until the loyalist people have also begun to decommission every weapon, a move we are starting to see. Furthermore disarmament of the Irish people requires the 5000 remaining soldiers to be brought home, and their British army bases put out of use. The PSNI needs to be reformed. I believe that whilst we remain under the rule of Britain, we need a new police service, and not the police force that is the RUC, reshuffled to the PSNI. At this stage ideally it would be necessary that the British and Irish governments begin to discuss complete British withdrawal and the unification of our Island.
I must admit it is good to see that this organisation have decided to advance peacefully, but what does this spell out for the likes of ONH, CIRA and RIRA? I believe they shall now, like they have with PSF, deem them traitors to the Irish cause and it is likely that the IRSP will lose the little support they have. However, the fact remains, whilst British rule is administered in Ireland there will be those that will fight against it, furthermore, there will be those who will fight with the sword [or armalite].
John Brady died in Police custody, and with Britain's history in this Country it does seem suspicious to me and many other Republicans. It is another hard pill to swallow for Republicans to trust the British system or the PSNI and the case of Brady is unlikely to aid that mistrust. If the British refuse to give the Irish freedom, why would they do so to a people that no longer pose a threat? I believe that with the INLA disarmed and effectively no more, that their support will obviously move to the likes of the CIRA/RIRA, meaning that we will certainly see a rise in the support of one if not both of these organisations.
However one would believe this an interesting point to question rumours that have been circulating on-line [fenian32 / Politics.ie], insinuating that the CIRA army council no longer see the use of violence as justifiable. Are we truly seeing the CIRA, the army that holds roots in the original army of the first Dáil Éireann making a move towards peace? The army who condemned the PIRA for all these years? This would almost certainly see the growth, and a considerable growth at that, of the RIRA, who are reputably more ruthless than the CIRA.
As I have stated before I do not condemn these groups, but I currently see the space for a ceasefire that could lead to negotiations with the British state and a reflection of where we really are in our struggle. Can Bombs and guns really bring us any further? If so, Do armed groups have the support currently to be effective? Do they really have the ability to stage an economic war?? If not, is it time to disarm? Do we remain on permanent ceasefire? I have no answers, just some food for thought, for mainstream Republicans and otherwise.
God Bless
God Bless
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Surprised?? Not Really!!
"There is a problem with hypocrisy inside the Irish mind; We worship foriegn leaders here as if they're so kind... When they patronise us in pathetic Irish fashion we will crawl; Got no dignity at all" - Ciaran Murphy
Well the news came in this afternoon; The Irish hamered another nail in the lid of the coffin that holds the chances of a 32 County Socialist Republic. The vote for Lisbon was a Yes, by a margin of two to one, with a swing of about 20% either way.
Yes 67.1% No 32.9%
With the vote open to 3 Million people, the turnout was pitiful at only 58%. This means 42% of the free state Irish people stayed at home, allowing their soverignty to be given away. This is even more pitiful since 1.8 Million of their fellow Irish citizens were denied a vote and thus were relying on them. Once again the free state has let down the people of the occupied territory, not mention their fellow citizens in Europe who were denied the same vote.
The only constituencies to vote no were Donegal North-East and South-West.
The Yes campaign was based on exploiting the fear of the people, by those who got these very people into the situations they are in. A Yes vote in Lisbon will not fix the economic disasters of Ireland's free state, especially as long as the people continue to vote failed right wing capitalists. Despite the words of triumph from Cowen.
"We as a Nation have taken a decisive step for a stronger fairer, better Ireland and Europe" - Brian Cowen
Firstly I would like to highlight that The Nation of Ireland did NOT make any decision. He should be aware that 1.8 Million of the citizens of Ireland were denied any vote. The free state made this desicion, and whilst Britain occupys 6 of our counties, no desicion in Europe can make us stronger, especially when we sign away our soveriegnty.
"Thanks Emmet, Pearse, Connolly, MacDonagh, Clarke, Plunkett, Daly, O'Hanrahan, MacBride, Colbert, Kent, Mallin, MacDiarmada, Collins, Sands, Hughes, McCreesh, O'Hara, McDonnell, Hurson, Lynch, Doherty, McElwee and Devine. But we have decided to surrender the part freedom you won for us. Thanks, but no thanks" - The Free State
God Bless
Lisbon 2
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