Friday, 27 June 2008

Clonard Solemn Novena

Okay my second blog this night. I was gonna mix this up with the last blog post, but in the end thought it deserved its own post.

The Clonard Solemn Novena for 2008 concluded at half one on Friday Morning, and it was great. I've done Novena's before, I've even done the Clonard Novena before, but this one was different. I didn't want it to end. I really loved it. The theme this year was "A Life Worth Living", which is a big statement to me. Anyway I was helping out a little at this years Novena aswell. I worked the camera at some sessions, and sorted petitions every night. Some of the petitions read out by the preachers brought me near tears, and the session I attended on Tuesday did. I was so glad to be in the Organ Balcony at the time so that no one noticed. I just thought the whole thing was fantastic. So much work is put into it. I am sad to say I missed two days, for Christy Moore and Def Leppard. I've made the Promise not to miss a single day next year.

In general I think there are so many great people involved with Clonard, and it really does feel like a community, of which I am not yet a member, but felt so incredibly welcome. I won't start telling stories, but I suggest you attend next year.

God Bless

Rock N Roll + Folk

Well its half one on Saturday Morning. I've not managed to fall asleep, and so I've switched on to listen to some tunes. I haven't blogged in a while, but then Its not like anyone actually reads, or cares, what I have to say on most these matters. My last two blogs have been a tad "political", though Naively so.

Well I never got them blogs up, and so I've just decided to mix them all up. I'll start with the Music side of things.

The first of the blogs was to be entitled "I forgot about roll", but needless to say it never surfaced. It was meant to describe my feelings after goin to see "White Lion" in the Rosetta Bar. I gone off the "Rock Rails" recently as it has been a while since a new band has come around that I have enjoyed, and as a result I commonly say these days I've gone off rock. However it seems I forgot about the Roll side of things; Alcohol Fuelled, Sex Driven Rock and Roll. Anyway the gig was great. The first band that came on were called "Crimes of Passion", and sounded like they wanted to be from the 80's. The next band, Stormzone, could rightly have been from the 80's, and of course White Lion ARE from the 80's. It rocked. Just a week later I went to see Def Leppard, Whitesnake and Black Stone Cherry. Whitesnake seemed to forget they had got old, and kept talking about how "big" they were, and they didn't mean the music. Def Leppard had got old, and just didn't give a dam. They Rocked.

Mid Week I journeyed to Dublin yet again. I have a soft spot for that city. In the words of Damien Dempsey its the "Apple of my Eye". Speaking of which the reason I made the journey this time was to see Christy Moore, Damien Dempsey, Jinx Lennon and Paula Flynn. I really enjoyed it. Though eating in that city will bleed you dry. I went down early on the morning of Thursday the 19th. I booked into my room in "Isaacs Hostel". If your looking for a basic hostel in the heart of Dublin, check them out. Great staff, but maybe abit more pricey that you would like. Too me it was grand. I spent the whole day wandering with my Camera. Stephens Green is a great place for amatuer photographers in the city to play about. I got some good shots. So come 5 I reckoned I should get food, and then off I went to the gig. I was using Google maps to find my way. Here is a little warning, aviod Google maps if possible, they do not work. I eventually found the gig after walking in circles, being completely ignored by Garda, and being heckled by kids. The show was great and I got some good shots, considering I've never done gig photography. The bar was dry, due to Christy being a "T Totaler". Jinx Lennon didn't impress the crowd, but I found him entertaining, though he should come with the warning, not suitable for the easily offended.

God Bless

Monday, 16 June 2008

Aesop’s Fable; Terrorism is understandable?

So George Bush was in Ireland today, attending meetings at Stormont and other such activities including attending an integrated Primary School. A protest was held, claiming George Bush not welcome, due to the fact that he is a terrorist. Now this isn't one of the three posts I have yet to publish from last week, but they will surface. Now I want to discuss any points here.

The first is why the People did not want George Bush to come hear. George Bush's Government is the cause of War in Afghanistan, the War in Iraq and helps to fuel the Palestinian Occupation. The Bush administration removed the Taliban from any power in Afghanistan, and where they were not the best of Country leaders they kept a hold on the Drug trade. The Bush Administration took the most liberal Country in the Middle East, Iraq, and turned it into a waste land. The murder of Sadam was a blatant desecration of Human Rights. The Bush administration claims their war to be successful. Since the invasion of Afghanistan the amount of Afghan Heroin in Britain and the US have exploded. The British have lost a total of 100 troops to date, burying 5 today. Today it was announced that more troops would be sent to Afghanistan, bring the troop number up to 8030. The American government have failed to keep to the Millennium Goals to cut down on fuel emissions. George Bush's government are the biggest of the terrorists, despite their "War on Terrorism"... What a joke.

So in one way I agreed with the protest against Bushes presence here, however in other ways I thought it was unnecessary. Firstly I don't believe we have the right to make anyone feel unwelcome in our country. Secondly George Bush should not be the current worry of the Anti Afghan/Iraq War - Palestinian Occupation. Currently the American elections are underway. The Party candidates have more or less been accepted as Barrack Obama for the Democrats, and John McCain for the Republicans. George Bush is on his way out and so attentions from the antiwar pressure groups should be directed at the new candidates. Don't get me wrong, I still agree with the AntiBush Government groups, not the Bush unwelcome protest.

So as I said there were protesters in Belfast City Centre. One man stood outside the Tesco's Bank Buildings shouting his political views. One statement he made hit me hard, and put quite a few thoughts through my head.

"War is the Rich Mans Terrorism... Terrorism is the Poor Mans War" - Man in Town

This is a Sentiment that I have heard often before. Every time a group of people have faced oppression, and wish for their Freedom, a basic Human Right, this sentiment has been used. It is not a justification for violence, but an excuse.

The Dalai Lama was accused of the sentiment recently after protests by the Tibetan people. Martin Luther King, Jr. has been quoted as saying "The Riot is the Voice of the Unheard", in reference to the Black Civil rights demands. Malcolm X has also been quoted on numerous sporting this sentiment; "Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery". However the earliest example of this sentiment that I have came across, comes from the mouth of the Greek Slave Aesop, from 2000 years ago. Number 18 in Aesop’s fables "The Wolf and the Lamb" has been decoded to mean "A tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny, so it is useless for the innocent to seek justice through reasoning".

I don’t really know where I am going with this, but it has caused me to think quite a bit. These protesters that are against war excuse the war of the Poor and oppressed. Is this a double standard? I know that I understand the Fight for Freedom, but can’t understand how any Governing body can take part in a war. How can any Governing body justify the oppression of another group of people…. Is this a double standard??

I think I’ll end this here…

God Bless

Sunday, 15 June 2008

No to the Lisbon Treaty

So it seems that the Irish people proved me wrong. The vote for the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty took place on Thursday and it seems that the No Campaign pulled through, as I had hoped.

The Lisbon treaty seemed very Undemocratic. The Treaty was practically the exact same as the Constitution that the people of Europe previously rejected. The rewording blocked many Europeans from voting on the treaty. The British people were promised a referendum by the Labour Government, and then never got said referendum. My other problem with this treaty is that I as an Irish Citizen had no Vote. The people of "Northern Ireland" are recognised as Irish Citizens, but then when a treaty comes along we are not allowed to vote with our fellow Citizens.

As a result of the rewording, 18 out of 27 Countries ratified the treaty with no Vote. 1 Country failed to ratify. The Czechs seemed to be saying that they will no longer bother. Some countries such as Croatia are claiming disappointment with the Irish decision, as they say it is against what the people of Europe are saying.

My understanding of the Treaty was that a Yes Vote for Lisbon was a No Vote for Ireland. It gave a lot of Power to the European Union, and after everything our country has been through; I don't believe we should hand any control over another body, other than the Irish Government, as anything else would be against the original Constitution and Proclamation. This would also jeopardise our democracy and sovereignty. Ireland are supposed to be a Socialist country, although it is no secret that we are not, but the Lisbon treaty would concrete the fact that we are not Socialist. Which is another reason I couldn't understand why the "Labour" party was voting Yes.

I'm happy that we have not as Irish people voted Yes.

Its been a while since I Blogged. I decided to devote this week to God, and intended to spend some time with God everyday. I'm aware that God is with us Always, but I wanted to spend some proper time with him. So I chose to try and attend the celebration of the Eucharist everyday, and spend the week away from my computer and such. It was a good and successful week.

In other News Gaillimh
have just beat Liatroma 2-14 to 1-13 in the Connacht Semifinals of the football. For some reason the Ulster Hurling Final is not televised. Aontroim v An DĂșin . Up Aontroim.

Due to the fact that I haven't blogged in a while I have three blogs to post. So they may be up now, or over the next week.

God Bless

Wednesday, 4 June 2008

I'm not sure...

I'm not sure why I'm blogging tonight. Just surfed that way. Its half 12 and I'm sat listening to a selection of Tunes from Dee McKendry and Laura Stevenson. My too favourite Local artists. At the time of writing I suddenly remembered about a gig in the No Albi bookstore I really wanted to attend. I had forgot all about it.

There is so much going on in my head these days. I wish I could poetically put it down on paper. That side of me seems to have dried up recently. Musically I'm really inactive these days. I got a mandolin for my Birthday, which is amazing and for a while I was right back in there. It didn't last long. I just don't see a point anymore. It just doesn't soothe the soul anymore.

Further more I spiritually feel further from God than ever before. Its a weird thing with me, because I have no doubt in my mind about the existence of God. I just don't feel him anymore. The fault here of course is all my own. I constantly fail at living the way I should. But God I Try...

I currently don't understand my own thoughts. I just want a distraction from who I actually am sometimes.

Have you ever had that best friend, that you could tell everything too. Nothing was too silly, too embarrassing or too much? I currently feel like I need that. I use to have friends like that, but the bond isn't strong anymore. Again this is prob my fault, I'm terrible for keeping in touch. I'm not sure what I'd say to that friend, but maybe my spirits would be higher.

I had no intention of Blogging tonight, and I don't really know where this came from, but it seems a shame to delete it now. I think I shall post it anyway.

Song of Choice the past week: Laura Stevenson - Coming Home

On other news Barrack Obama seems to have won the Democratic candidacy. I'm glad. My only problem with him is his pro-Abortion stance. He's enviormental, plans stronger gun control and wants to end war in Afghanistan/Iraqi. The Republicans however are not Enviormental, Pro Guns due to the 2nd amendment and are pro Afghan/Iraqi/Iran war. But they are Anti Abortion. Judging from McCains website.

Is America ready to vote Black though? My faith in America isn't strong enough to think they will.

God Bless

Sunday, 1 June 2008

Eight Days Since The Week Ended...

So This Blog post is a Day and a half late; I had intended on posting it last night, but I didn't get home until 3am. Not a good time to blog. So basically this is a re-cap of the week that just past. Its the second week in a row I have felt the need to do this, which makes me happy. To explian the title, its been eight days since the last one.

So its the first of June, imagine that. Feels weird, but I'm happy enough that May was so good to me. I'll have to thank God for the Month of May. This closing week was great. We'll start with last Sunday. As I mentioned in a previous post, I started this week by going to my Friend, Aslinn's birthday. It was real good craic. We met up around two, and drove out to her home in Crumlin. When we got there she had just left to pick some one else up. As a result we were led out to the back where we waited Patiently. Now I can't tell you why, all I know is the craic was mighty. Now I said Patiently, but in truth it wasn't long before we started sneaking food which was meant to wait for the party. Aislinn eventually arrived, and our friend Chris, who I'd like to thank for driving us, changed his plans so he wouldn't have to leave so soon. It was great craic.

I'll not go into mondays excursion, I blogged all about it two posts ago. Its entitled "
Road Trip '08 (Part Two)". Again however I can't explian why It was so much fun. I can only make an attempt, as its impossible to capture the ecstasy you can find with friends. So... I'll move on to Tuesday I guess. Every Tuesday I go and sit for an hour in my church, to pray and read. This week was no different, and I always enjoy the feeling. That night however wasn't your normal Tuesday night. I made my way to Clonard, as usual, to attend Search, my youth group. Joe from The Gathering Drum joined us for a session, so we spent our Tuesday night in a Drum circle learning some stuff and jamming on African style hand Drums and Percussion instruments. It is amazing craic. I'd definitely suggest that you give it ago. Joe is a lovely guy, and it was great laugh. So check out the website.

Okay So Wednesday rolled around the corner, as Wednesday often does at that point of the week. Every Wednesday I have the same routine. I make my way to Clonard Monastry, and I sit in "Christ the Redeemer Church" and reflect or pray. After this I make my way to the Springvale centre on the Springfield Road where I work for the Intel Computer Clubhouse. I help Children to learn valuable skill on the PC, using programs such as Macromedia Flash, or Adobe Photoshop. Unfortunately they don't have the new Adobe CS3 Suite. Anyway this Wednesday Routine was a little different. Instead of going to Clonard, I met a Friend, Vicky, whom I know from work. We went to this Prayer room in Town, that I had wanted to go to, but not alone. So she brought me round, which I'm thankful for. It was brilliant. Its a pity its not a full time feature of the City Centre. It felt really peaceful, despite hearing people chatting, or passing traffic. I really loved it. Also I was lucky enough to get a Good Night out to Auntie Annies with some old Friends I hope to see more often.

I have completely forgot what my Thursday entailed.

Friday proved rather pointless, as all I did was work. Why can't the fun last forever?? Saying that I am blessed that I have found a job that I'm happy with. The Work isn't hard, all the people are lovely and the pay isn't bad. Especially when I compare this to the years I gave to Au Naturale. The people there where still lovely, but the "suits" seemed to care little for the people. The pay was minimum minimum wage. Yes, I typed minimum twice on purpose.

So I'm going to Lourdes in September, and I had a meeting this week. I was late. I don't like to slander anyones reputation, but I will never use Bridge Cabs again. Everytime I've used them has been an experience I'll tell ye. But I thought since I was in the Depo it would be okay. I was told ten minutes, and it was just under an hour before I gave up and left. I was late for my meeting, but just in time for the Ice Breakers. I Love Ice Breakers. Anyway the meeting was good craic, and I just can't wait to make it to Lourdes this year. I've never been, but I've wanted to for years. After this myslef and some friends went out to Fibbers again. Evveryone seemed to have fun. It has given me some things I think I need to reflect upon, and change within myself. Strange I know, but that is how I felt.

Oh and Laura Stevensons CD arrived on Saturday too, and it is an amazing CD. Its Melodic, Sometimes Sombre and always Beautiful. A fantastic collection of tunes. So if I EVER remember what Thursday entailed I'll edit this post and add it in here. Please don't be offended if it involved you, who ever you are, I'm just having trouble putting my week in order. Due to the length of this I must leave it here.

EDIT: SO I am an awful fool. I blogged about my Thursday already. I went to see Treasure Island, and you can read about that in my blog, creatively entitled "Treasure Island".

So Essential Links for the Week ahead folks:

The Gathering Drum: http://www.
Clonard Monastry:
Intel Computer Clubhouse:
Laura Stevenson:

God Bless