I Joined Them.
With the impression I was in the wrong room, and had no way of contacting them, I decided to count my losses and just go for food. I was aiming to eat for 5 Euro; In Dublin this is NOT possible. I opted for a Chippie called "Fusciardi's". The food was great, but being Dublin I got charged 2 Euro for a can of Pepsi. Darn Inflation!
At this point I was heading back to my Hostel, not really sure why. I was miffed and when I got to the door I decided to just keep walking, with no Idea where I was going. I turned down an Alleyway and was Happy, to say the least, when I saw Perrine, the group leader standing infront of me. God was definitely looking after me. We went into the nearest bar and waited a short while for others to arrive.
I love company, of Friends or strangers, so I really enjoyed the time spent here, getting to know new people, and talking to familiar faces too. With different people having different errands to run, for a short while it was just me and Perrine. I really enjoyed talking with her about Politics, Music and Travel; France in particular. Eventually everyone came back and the conversation lasted until the bar closed for the night. We went back to our hostel at this point.
I got talking to a girl about how I wasn't going to Thailand anymore, and the conversation led on to my time in Medjugorje, and my lost Rosary Beads. She reached into her bag and gave me a set of her own. I was really grateful. After all getting ready, we had a short chat with a Filipino man that was sharing our dorm, and tried to sleep. Though I didn't sleep for long, I was refreshed when I arose.
The group seperated and went to do there own errands again. My self and Pauline, the girl that gave me the Rosary Beads went to various shops to pick up what she needed. We got talking about the Bible, and our own Bibles before she left for a meeting. The rest of the group gathered, got some photographs taken and walked to a Thai resturant; unfortunately is was closed and so we opted for a Filipino resturant called "Café Milano". Pauline had rejoined at this stage. The food was great and then we made our way to the Bus-Stop so the group could get the 41 bus to the airport. Before leaving Pauline gave me her Bible. I was Very grateful for this.
I went no further than the Bus-Stop. As they drove off I began my walk back to my Train for Belfast. It felt like the longest journey ever. I really wanted to be on that Bus, and not this train. I knew that I'd be bothered, but I didn't expect to be this down about it.
I really hope the project goes very well, and all that all projects are successful. I have nothing to do with myself at the moment, as this is the Last place I really want to be.
God Bless
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