Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Going Green?

Well, again its been a while. I just can't get myself into blogging since my return from Europe. I've wrote blogs, but deemed them uninteresting, and didn't post them. Up until now that hasn't bothered me, but now these days it does. I haven't been able to find inspiration. However this one is a rant in reference to a conversation I had recently.

I am quite enviormental. I would be an advocate for "going green". My discussion here is how non enviormentals tend to make a bigger thing out of it than Enviormentalists do. What do I mean by this? Well simply when you talk to people about "Going Green", their immediate reaction seems to be "Oh thats too much hassle". Well really its not that hard at all. Simple things can make a big difference, however people undermine them. For example, if your not in a room then turn the light out. Not watching TV; Turn it off. Going to a nearby store, walk don't drive. Many people think that its a whole other life being an "Enviormentalist", so much so that I'm not sure I want to relate myself to the word anymore.

"Going Green" can be simple changes to the way you do things, and just a little more extra thought. One thing that came up in our discussion was how they thought going green meant cutting out luxuries such as Air Travel. Where as some enviormentalists do choose not to use Air Travel, it is not an essential change. I for example have travelled three times by plane this summer. Infact we do not need to cut any of the luxuries out of our life; We don;t need to watch less tv, reduce Computing time, travel less etc etc. Just try the simple things.

1. Don't leave the Lights on if your not in the room
2. Turn of the TV at the mains, when your done watching
3. Turn of your PC at the mains
4. Don't drive unless you have too
5. Wash at Forty
6. Recycle

Recycling is the only change, that really takes more hassle. It does invovle sorting your waste, and may involve travelling to recycling bins or bays. Though for most of the North of Ireland, recycling bins are available from the councils, and will be collected in the same way as your waste bins.

So yeah thats all I wanted to say really. It may not seem that interesting to anyone, but trying the little things will help the enviorment, if we all start doing so. What other benifits are there? Well, you will save money, and in the time where the Worlds economy seems to be heading towards crisis, many countries already there, then we could all do with saving a few pennies. You'll spend less on electricity and less on gas. It benifits you and the Enviorment.

So yeah try the Green option for a while, and see what you think about it.

Sorry about the Self righteous Enviormentalist talk

God Bless

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