On Saturday the 8th of March 2009, dissident Republicans known as the the Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA), shot dead two British Soldiers, at the Massereene Barracks in Antrim, injuring four other people, including two civilian Pizza dilivery men. One of the Dilivery men was a Catholic Youth, and the other a Polish immigrant. Within 48 hours another dissident Republican group known as the the Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA) shot dead PSNI Constable Stephen Carroll, in Craigavon while he was out answering a Distress call. They are the facts. Now as an Irish Republican I wish to highlight my views.
I believe that we have no place for an Armed Struggle in this Country, especially at this stage in our struggle. Nearly every Irish uprising has resulted from a Political movement, where an armed struggle was the last option available. It has also been the intention of the Irish Republican Army that they would put down their guns when the Armed struggle had achieved all they could. For this moment they have, and as a result the IRA have disbanded, except for the Dissedents. However, I can not condemn dissident Republicans. They believe that they are fighting for a Free Ireland, a concept I passionately believe in. These people are the same as the Antitreaty Group of the Civil War, a side I would have to admit I probably would have joined. Even these men gave into the politics of the Free State eventually, meaning so many Irish men died needlessly.
British soldiers have no right to be stationed in Ireland. They are an armed occupying force and thus an enemy to Irish Freedom. To further this the two men that where shot, where leaving within two hours to join their fellow Soldiers to occupy Afghanistan, where they themselves would have killed many more. The RUC where a Unionist armed Paramilitary Police force, a British institution.
However I am uncertian on the legitimacy of the PSNI as targets. Currently Sinn Fein have decided to support Policing, because the People of the Northern Occupied Territory, need a Police Service and not a Police force. Only through sitting on the Policing board, can we create this kind of Service. I am in no way fully supportive of the PSNI at this current stage, but I do not see them as legitimate targets.
The RIRA and the CIRA, are fighting for a Free Ireland, however they have no Political Wing, which means they have no Political Mandate for the intergration of the Occupied Territory into the current Free State Government. Most followers however back Republican Sinn Fein, a break away party from Sinn Fein. They believe in the concept of Éire Nua, a Federal Government where the Provinces would have a governing body each, but overall controll would come from an overall 32 County Government. This would also allow Unionists in the North to maintain some control over there current constituiants. I am not 100% sure if I would agree to that style of Government, but at least it would be a Free Ireland. Free from all British claim of Soveriegnty.
However from what I can gather the current Free State Government have a different plan, where by Ulster will continue to be Governed from Stormont, or if not Ulster then the Six Counties of Occupied Ulster. Meaning removal of British control, but changing nothing. We will be changing the Flag without changing the Politics. I can not even pretend to agree with that. It is wrong, leaving the divide in my country. So the reason I see no room for the Armed Struggle now, is that we have no concrete Political plan to fight for. We are merely fighting for the sentence "We want a 32 county Free Ireland" without even knowing what will happen, after British control ends. I believe that we must have a concrete plan, as to how our Country plans to work politically, and precise steps laid out on how we will get there.
At the stage, whe

Does this mean I am against the RIRA and the CIRA? Does this mean I deem them Terrorists or Traitors? Absolutely not! Especially when the UDA and the UVF remain an armed force. While the British/Stormont government demanded not only decommsioning, but the disbanding of the Provisional IRA, they continue to allow the Loyalist murder squads to maintain their weapons, offering more and more time for decommisioning. They where even offered grants to do so.
It was on the basis that I decided I would not attend the silent protests around the occupied territory on Wednesday. It seemed hypocritical to me, that anyone could stand alongside Prominant UDA/UVF figures and call for dissidents to desist. It was clearly just AntiRepublican. The ICTU's has not protested despite the fact that Loyalists are yet to Disarm.
In conclusion, I do not see the room for a current ongoing armed struggle. I, however, do not see the RIRA or the CIRA as terrorists, but Freedom Fighters. I believe they need to ceasefire however, as there is no call for them at present time. Politics is working, and can work. If at a time, the British Army, or the PSNI, begin to opress the rights of Republicans/Catholics/Protestants then, and only then, can I see the rom for an Armed Struggle.
God Bless
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