Tuesday, 21 April 2009

In Defence of Smaller Nations... Western White Nations

The World vowed never again, after the horriffic events of WWII. However yesterday the nations of the world turned their back on that very promise, allowing the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine to continue, cause sometimes the truth is just to financially damaging.

The United States, Australia, The Netherlands, Italy, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Poland and Israel amoung others boycotted a United Nations conference on Racism, in South Africa. The basis of their boycott, was that Zionism was a topic that was to be addressed. I personally am completely for this Conference.

Navi Pallay, a UN Human Rights Chief, say she is disappointed at the boycott. The Pope spoke out in favour of the conference, saying it was an opportunity to fight discrimination and intolerance.

"A handful of states have permitted one or two issues to dominate their approach to this issue, allowing them to outweigh the concerns of numerous groups of people that suffer racism and similar forms of intolerance to a pernicious and life-damaging degree on a daily basis all across the world..." - Navi Pallay

"We ask for firm and consistent action, at national and international level, to prevent and eliminate any form of discrimination and of intolerance," - Pope
Benidict XVI

Many of the Western Nations that did not boycott the conference, including France, Spain and Britain, walked out once the Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad began to speak. These Nations chose to walk out on the many in the world suffering under Racial oppression. They walked out on the Palestinian people, the Tibetian People, the Burmese people and the Sri Lankan People. I have no shame in saying I agreed with alot of what Ahmadinejad said. The following, are quotes from the speech, that I agreed with.

"Peace be upon them all who are the harbingers of monotheism, fraternity, love, human dignity and justice...Over the last centuries, humanity has gone through tremendous suffering and pain. In the middle ages, thinkers and scientists were sentenced to death. It was then followed by a period of slavery and slave trade, when innocent people in millions were captivated and separated from their families and loved ones, to be taken to Europe and America under worse conditions; the dark period that also experienced occupations, lootings, and massacres of innocent people... It did not take long that the coercive powers imposed two wars in Europe which also plagued a part of Asia and Africa. Those horrific wars claimed about 100 million lives and left behind massive devastation. Had lessons been learned from the occupations, horrors, and crimes of those wars, there would have been a ray of hope for the future...The victorious powers [of the world wars] call themselves the conquerors of the world, while ignoring or down-treading the rights of other nations by the imposition of oppressive laws and international arrangements... Following World War Two, they resorted to making an entire nation homeless on the pretext of Jewish suffering. They sent migrants from Europe, the United States and other parts of the world in order to establish a totally racist government in the occupied Palestine. In compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive, racist regime in Palestine... It is all the more regrettable that a number of Western governments and the United States have committed themselves to defending those racist perpetrators of genocide, whilst the awakened consciences and free-minded people of the world condemn aggression, brutality and the bombardment of civilians of Gaza... the word Zionism personifies racism, that falsely resorts to religion and abuses religious sentiments to hide hatred... It should be recognised that boycotting such a session is a true indication of supporting the blatant example of racism." - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

The nations of the world, too afraid to lose out financially, walked out on the truth and chose to ignore the suffering of small nations. "In defence of small nations" seems to mean nothing when that small nation is both eastern and Arab. The fact that many chose to Boycott the conference, just because Ahmadinejad was addressing, shows racism against small Arab Nations.

Ahmadinejad had the courage to stand up and say, what the general people of the west said, and have been saying, since Operation Cast Lead and even before. However the Governments of the western
world are too afraid to make such statements, cause they are afraid of being called anti semitic. Being pro Palestinian and anti Zionist is not the same as being anti semetic, as many Jews throughout the world will agree. It is not Jewish to remove Arabs from their land and replace them in their homes with foreign settlers. It is not Jewish to Build a wall through Palestinain territory, housing them all in, and stopping their travel with illegal checkpoints and putting them under military occupation. It is not anti semetic to support Palestinian rights.

At least some of the nations leaders returned after Ahmadinejad's speech, however, the Czechs refused to return as a result. His presence there was too much, for this White Western nation, and they refused to share the rest of the day with him. The response of many of the worlds nations should be addressed. The Czech Foriegn Ministry, and current President of the EU, refused to return and said;

"We cannot allow, through our presence, the legitimisation of absolutely unacceptable anti-Israeli attacks. The Czech delegation will not return to the conference at all, as a consequence to Ahmadinejad's speech." - Czech Foriegn Ministry

To this I say, why can you not allow your presence to legitimise the "attacks". Infact I believe that your presence should and Must legitimise these "verbal attacks". Your walking out Legitimised 1,300 dead, 400 of whom where Children and women, and 86% were confirmed to be civilians. It legitimises the recent confessions that innocent civilians were shot intentionally. That the homes of Civilians where vandalised and their faith insulted by crude sexual diagrams. It legitimises the tshirts worn by Israeli soldiers that showed Arab women in the crosshairs. Your walking out legitimised Phosphuros attacks on Schools, Hospitals, mosques and homes. Your walking out legitimised Racism.

To David Miliband, the British Foriegn secretary, after claiming "President Ahmadinejad's remarks... were offensive, inflammatory and utterly unacceptable", I say this. Yes they where offensive, cause sometimes the truth hurts, and you are offended because you refuse to stand up and be held to account, and to stand for what you know is true and right.

As for Jonas Gahr S
toere, Norwegian Foreign Minister, you were completely naive when you claimed "Norway will not accept that the odd-man-out hijacks the collective efforts of the many". Odd Man Out?? Tell that to the thousands of civilians who took to the streets across Europe, America and the rest of the world. Tell that to the thousands of people, that you and your collective Nation leaders chose to Ignore. Tell that to the Jews For Justice, Anarchists against the Wall, the Anti War Movement and the Ireland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. Just because you chose to ignore the calls for justice from the civilians across the world, does not mean they do not exsist, and this man is no odd man out.

Ban Ki Moon has disappointed me before and makes no exception here. "I deplore the use of this platform by the Iranian president to accuse, divide and even incite. This is the opposite of what this conference seeks to achieve." This conference seeked to achieve what then exactly? Was it not to fight Racism?? So if a Racist regime gets shaken in the process is this not part of what you set out to do. Or is it now Racist to disagree with Racists??

Furthermore, not only do I agree with the statement during the conference, but the attempt to justify himself afterwards.

"The main issue of the conference was racism. Are they supporting racism?... So why shouldn't they participate in a conference which is aimed at discussing and eleminating racism. The second point is, that the United Nations should be Civil Manifestation of Democracy and freedom of expression. Everybody should enjoy the right to freely express his or her own opinions. In turn we should not be intolerant to listening." - Ahamdinejad

The United Nations may as well join the League of Nations in the grave as it died of a lack of exercise, and the United Nations seems fit to follow.

I do not claim to know enough about Iran to fully support Ahmadinejad's rule, but I agree with what he said at Durban II, and I think the nations that Boycotted the Racism conference in Durban, are the ones that need to do the Soul Searching. They need to step back and take alook at themselves.

The United States is a Nation that is built on Slaughter and Slavery. A nation of people, that when they arrived on the shores, attempted to genocide, to rid the land of its indigenous people. A nation that while writing "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...", enslaved the African people based purely on skin colour. Are still a nation that spend more on War and weaponry than Education, and provide more aid to Israel than they do to the rest of the world combined. Now they Boycott a Racism conference, cause they don't like one of the sub-issues.

The British Empire, built off the spoils of poorer nations, when they plundered and pilaged and colonised Africa, India, Asia and America. A nation that has ravaged the history of Ireland with Bloodshed, opression and left it a divided nation amoung a divided people.

Let us take a look at this world we live in. Ravaged with Inequality, Opression, Occupation and Poverty. United Nations?? Our Nations are far from United. Very Very Far.

God Bless

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