Sunday, 17 January 2010

Ross Kemp Middle East: ISRAEL

This is a continuation obviously of the previous blog post and the show it refers too. This show starts with a tour of the places in which suicide bombs have taken place. It is an awful thing to hear. So many Young lives lost; It's not right, not in a supposed civilised world.

Let me make my position clear on this; I do not support bombing Supermarkets and Bus Stops. I do not support killing innocent people. However, when people are opressed history has shown time and time again that they nearly always turn to the gun and bomb, as they see little else that they can do. As a result I will not condem people who are responsible for this. I can not condem. I have no right to condem.

Anyway the show continues, and Ross Kemp goes to a training session for the IDF. The man he talks with makes it clear that they have a shoot to kill policy when it comes to those they designate as terrorists.

This show highlights that 24 people have been killed as a result of Bombs/Rockets from Gaza and in retaliation the Israeli forces have slaughtered 4000 Palestinians. The lives of the 24 is regretable. Whether it is 1 life, 24 lives or 4000 lives it is unacceptable. As a Pro Palestinian I do not support the deaths of these people, I do not believe it can be justified.. However this is the arguement used against Israel. The Israeli forces have used indiscriminate, unproportional, heavy handed response slaughtering thousands of innocent people. They have evicted the people, leaving them homeless. They have destroyed their livelyhoods by destroying such things as their Olive Grove's. They have broken the international laws by cliaming land over the green line.

This show highlights that while protesters throw stones, the Israeli forces fire bullets and tear gas and use Watercannons firing "Something very nasty, not just water". It is once again the arguement against the Israeli forces. Heavy handed oppression. Where is the justification for this action?

At this stage the show turns to the settler question. The settler that he chooses to talk to states clearly that she does not believe that the Arabs have rights to live in the area and using biblical language to prove this.

Now at this stage I would like to highlight, that despite what this woman states, the Old Testament, the scriptures that Jews study, states that the land belongs only to God. He gives the Israelites permission to live there, but the land belongs to God. However lets assume that they do have historical and religious rights to the land surely this accounts only for Religious Jews. How does this apply to non Religious Jews? The Israeli state allows settlements of secular Jews and takes land from the Palestinian Arabs to house these people?

I'm gonna cut this here, as opposed to commenting the whole show. But before I end I would like to clarify my position on the Palestinian cause.

I support Palestinian rights to live free from opression. Free from checkpoints and siege. I believe that the siege of Gaza must end. I believe that the checkpoints that stop the Palestinian people from travel in their own land must end. I believe that violence must come to an end. I believe that the construction of the segregation wall must come to an end and the current fortifications torn down. I believe that the state of Palestine needs to exist as a united state. Not a nation divided into the West Bank and the Gaza refugee camp. I believe that the continuation of settlements and land grabbing must halt now.

God Bless

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