Monday, 7 September 2009

Libya Compensation

Since this issue is becoming more regular on the New broadcasting channels across the occupied six counties, I thought it was an issue that maybe I should look into more.

The issue here is that the Libyan Government is accused of supplying weapons to the Irish Republican Army back in the 1980’s. These weapons then went on to be used in the armed campaign in the fight for freedom from British Occupation. During this war many people lost their lives including, regrettably, innocent civilians. The families of those that lost their lives, including the families of the occupying forces, are now trying to claim compensation of the current Libyan government.

Today a woman on UTV news, who’s Father died following a booby trap, was interviewed. I do not have the exact transcription of her words, but she was saying that everyday she has to relive the loss of her father. She spoke of how it hurt that her father was not there for the little things. It really struck a chord with me. When I thought about this I could simply not understand how she felt compensation from the Libyan government would be of any help. Would a pay out from Gaddafi help her to get over her Father? Would it make it easier not having him there, as long as she had more money? The answer to this question is quite simply no. No amount of money will ever help her to get over the loss of her father.

The other argument about needing justice doesn’t really cut it for me. The men who were involved in the death of her father will never face court, jail time or whatever one would deem justice. Furthermore it brings up the controversial issue as to whether an Irish man fighting for freedom in his Country, should have to face an English court, for an action of war.

Furthermore, if Libya pays out and compensates the families of those who lost people to IRA actions, who then will pay out compensation for those who lost family to the British Army, UDA, UVF, UFF, LVF or the RHC? Aidan McAnespie’s family had to fight for years, to receive a statement from the British Government that didn’t even contain an apology never mind compensation. Who will pay out this family? Who will pay out the families of Patrick Doherty, Gerald Donaghy, John Duddy, Hugh Gilmour, Michael Kelly, Michael McDaid, Kevin McElhinney, Bernard McGuigan, Gerald McKinney, William McKinney, William Nash, James Wray or John Young? Who will pay out the families of those slaughtered by Loyalist murder gangs, known to be involved in collusion cases with the British forces, such as Pat Finucaine?

British army agent, Brian Nelson, passed on information to the UFF, regarding Irish Republicans, and 80 of whom were attacked by the UFF and 29 shot dead.

The British state can not create a grade level that determines who is and is not worthy of compensation as a result of war in Ireland

So if the British state insists upon supporting these claims against the Libyan government they can not discriminate against Irish Republicans. They would then have to insist upon compensating the victims of their own War machine.

So my conclusion is one of mixed feelings. I feel that compensation claims from these families, have little to do with justice. They appear to be little more than a way to make money out of the troubled past of Ireland However surely if the Libyan government payout these victims then it opens the gate for Irish Republicans to take up cases against the British state, a result of which would legitimise the Irish struggle after such a long time. The British state could not discriminate against the victims of the British Army and as a result they would have to fully acknowledge their crimes in Ireland


  1. The sad thing is mate, you need the British to justify your sad little existence.

    Otherwise what else would you rant about? You have nothing. You need something to rail against.

    You're as thick and bitter as pigshit and you'll echo out anything that's beaten into you like a tannoy.

    Ireland is awful. I live here. I know it. If you think it's great you're obviously deluded. No-one sane could ever want to live here out of choice. It's the dregs of Europe and it's only going down.

    But what about tradition? Fuck tradition.

  2. Obviously you'll complain again about my 'foul' language just because you don't know any better.

    I may swear and shit but at least I don't endorse killers which I do which I find entirely reprehensible.

    How can you reconcile all of this 'Freedom Fighter' bullshit with Christ the Meek, eh? Or is it just another fucking Ego trip?

  3. I love how you accuse me of things when you have absolutely no knowledge of me and follow it up by claiming I'll do the same.

    Also, since you have clearly not read my blog in its entirety, I rant about Palestine, Civil Rights, Ethical Shopping, Deprevation in the "third world", the attitudes of general public, music, uni, life etc.

    The British state has of course influenced this country in many ways, but by no means justifys my existence. I keep a political blog, which is one miniscule part of my life. Obviously since you don't know me, you judge me by it, that is fair dues, but your claims are ridiculous.

    I'm not all that bitter as you claim. I'm assuming that you have assigned me with the Sectarian card, which you may not have, but to clear it up that would also be incorrect.

    I am not sctarian, nor am I racist towards the English. I merely believe that Ireland should be free. You assume that I merely rant out what has been beaten into me, which is again an assumption. Its the same card you people always pull in this arguement.

    Truth is I studied History and I studied Politics. This added to my Idealist views makes me the way I am.

    I understand tradition is not something your interested in. Well I am. So before you call me bigoted think about this. Your telling me off for not thinking as you are thinking.

    Let me ask you this; Was the action of the British against the Irish not murder? I do not endorse killing. Read my previous blogs and you will see I don't advocate violence in the struggle. But the actions of a oppressive government pushs people to these means, and I will not condem them. Christ teaches us we can not condem. SO there is my link for you. I have in previous blogs said this for both loyalists and Republicans, that circumstances pushed them to these means.

    I know I am not always right. I know that infact I am a little bitter, thought I try not to be (which I wrote a blog about), but at the end of the day my blogs come from the fact that I believe in equality for all. I believe in justice.

  4. The British have committed heinous crimes in Ireland for Queen and Country. They've fucked this place up.

    I believe that British Nationalism is as every bit as pointless and corrupt as Irish Nationalism.

    No man should be proud of his home nation based on loyalty alone.

    I am for a united Ireland. When I say a United Ireland I'm talking about one that's secular and free of any secterianism. I am all for the presevation of the Irish language as well as the disbandment of the Orange Order and the GAA.

    I think that Gaelic Football and Hurling should continue on under another body that actually promotes some sort of unity.

    And as for me, I've lived on this island for all my life and I refuse to by identified as either Irish, British or Northern Irish.

    This place is an embarassment.

  5. I fully support a United Ireland, on the basis that it is a free Socialist Republic. A United Ireland under the current capitalist idiocy that it is would be a failure. I agree that this country is an Embarrasement. Especially if Lisbon 2 and Nama is passed. I fully believe that Nama will be the last nail in the coffin of Irish independence.

    I also have no love for the GAA. The GAA, for all it did for the Gaelic revival, now recognises the border, and recognises the sport as "International" on the grounds of it. Due to European law, they changed their rules so that they wouldn't lose their alcohol licenses. They allowed the RUC gaelic team to play there. This being the organisation that on bloody sunday (Not Derry) killed fans and players, unprovoked.

    However I disagree with the Secular stance you have. Each to their own, but personally I don't like it. The heritage of this Country, the Land of Saints and Scholars, would be lost. However the current secular free state are selling it away as we speak. Religion has caused many evils in our world, but faith has little to do with these evils.

    Those in this country that use Sectarianism as an excuse are close minded and uneducated, and most likely, don't practise their faith. Yet they mis use Religion to fuel a war. If we had a secular society, then they would use racism or some other discrimination. I believe anyway.

  6. Ireland's heritage belongs to the persecuted Pagans who were here LONG before the Romans. But the victor always rewrites history and so it goes.

    Not that I'm Pagan, Catholic or Protestant. Thankfully. But I know history. And I'm not foolish enough to be proud of my ancestors.

    Nationalism and Religion are the two inhibiting factors of a united Ireland. Why? They divide people unnecessarily. They split consensus where lines shouldn't exist.

    I'll vote for a United Ireland when a proper constitution is drawn up like the one in the US which guarantees us all freedom of/from Religion. And a proper health service. Better than the NHS.

    As a Socialist I don't give a fuck for imaginary borders. I care for reality. Down south's health care service is awful compared to the one up here.

  7. Ireland's heritage may be of pagan ancestry, but this in itself was a religion, a religion that was practised quite faithfully across the Ireland. Many studies claim evidence to prove this. The country of Ireland has provided some of the greatest examples of monasticism, stonework, manuscripts, metal work etc. The entire mystical history of Ireland decends from its connection to religions.

    It is not foolish to be proud of your ancestors, especially when they provided so much to foreign nations during the dark ages. You deem it foolish but that is opinion. As I have said, yes the use of Religion can divide people, but Religion, more so faith, does not.

    I personally agree with the need for a proper document detailing how a United Ireland would work. Read my blogs I state that quite clearly. I can't remember which one, but I do state it.

  8. I think it's good to question your ancestors and their motives.

    I'm absolutely opposed to religion because it divides the working class. Protestants vs Catholics. What does it even mean any more? What did it mean to start with.

    This island is dead.
