Friday, 25 September 2009

Objection to the DPP Meetings

So I would like to pass an opinion here, that will sit unpopular, esp with supporters and members of the 32 County Sovereignty Movement and the Republican Network for Unity.

The 32CSM deem this protest as a success. I'm not actually sure that is the word I would use. I mean I guess yea, in so much as the protest disrupted the meeting, and I believe that it was called off early, then yes it was a success. However the action and tactics used are, at best, questionable.

It was a public meeting, and I fully recognise the right to stage a protest and I agree with the 32CSM/RNU objection to the DPP and support for the PSNI/RUC. However they were completely undignified in their protest. The use of horns and whistles and man handling of hotel staff, plays right into the hands of the media and the British black propagandha machine. The footage caught on this evening can be used to easily paint the aformentioned groups as rabble, hoods and trouble makers.

This is in stark comparasion to the recent RSF protest at the DPP meeting on the Lower Falls, in the Clonard Youth Hall. This protest was both dignified and could not be painted as anything other than a valid political protest. PSF councillor Marie Cush explained that the protest effectively lasted just over 4 minutes.

"They came in and sat at the front. A woman sang a song, then they left" - Marie Cush

In my opinion this would be more effective than that of the 32CSM/RNU protest, for a few reasons. I know Republicans, who support PSF, but who are weary and still are finding it hard to adjust to PSF's stance on policing. To these people, with Republicanism at their heart, the sing protest of RSF is more likely to make them settle, to agree with the RSF stance, which at heart they probably already believe in, but have not voiced. However the equivlent in Derry will be likely unconvinced as it seemed so unorganised.

Now I will admit to being uncertain in myself about these things. I mean clearly the 32CSM/RNU protest got more media attention, meaning it was brought to the attention of more people than that of the RSF protest. One is brought to question the use of protest, if media attention is not there. Further more RSF left after staging their protest. I guess, imo, I rekon the best way to carry out these protests would be that of RSF, but to not leave. To stand at points throughout the hall staging silent protest with signs/posters/banners like that carried by the 32CSM/RNU.

I'm niave I guess, and at best do not obviously have the anwsers. I merely feel that this tactic supports our right to protest, but allows others their right also. Maybe its a contradiction

Now just to clarify, I do not condemn or disagree with the 32CSM/RNU, merely on this situation I wasn't sure that they acted the best they should have. I support anyone aiming for a 32 County Socialist Republic. I don't agree with the term "dissident". I also don't agree with the Public condemnation of PSF and PSF condemnation of anyone who is not PSF.

God Bless

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