Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Evidence that You Can't Trust the State

Okay so I'm sure everyone has heard about the "shots fired on police in Fermanagh" at this stage. What I can gather however is that only one shot was fired, yet Police replyed with two shots.

Anyway as I am in Uni this is just a wee short one to highlight that the British state can not be trusted. In recent weeks we have seen a letter to the DUP about policing and justice, with out involvement of SF.

However in relation to the aformentioned incident, it has emerged that members of the British Army were involved in the inncident and that soldiers from the "Special Reconnaissance Regiment" had been involved and had been monitoring movements. We as Irish Republicans are expected to "move on" and trust the state and Stormont despite being told that the Army were not on our streets, nor would they be on our streets, whilst in the background are carrying out Reconnaissance missions on our streets, in our country.

Now I have issues with members of the police force being targeted. Its a personal inner conflict that I would have with my Christian faith. Targeting a member of the police force, just because he is a Catholic members, to enforce a point, is a ideal I can not find myself supporting.

But I think this whole thing raises a bigger issue. It highlights a growing sector of unhappy Republicans, who are constantly brushed off by the executive as being Dissidents, or terrorists. However this highlights that a growing sector of the electorate are unhappy. "Dissidents" are equal members of society and as such have a right to voice an opinion and be listened too. Éirígí, 32CSM and the RNU to name three parties of unhappy Republicans, all without a armed wing, are all ignored as "dissident" Republicans. It is unfair to paint all of these people with the same brush that is used to paint the CIRA and the RIRA.

While the executive continues to ignore the voices of these people, brushing them off as mere dissidents and while the PSNI continue to stop 110 people a day under the terrorism laws, the ranks of the armed wings of Republicanism will swell. This "peace" will begin to show up the cracks that it is painted over. Where we at this stage do not have "violent conflict" on our streets, we still have conflict and where people continue to ignore it, it will boil over.

It is my belief that this "Peaceful Society" that these politicians talk about, is at a very real threat of collapsing in on itself. The British state and the DUP have not learnt from their past. The same tatics they used against SF are the same tatics they now use againts "dissidents". SF are now the biggest Republican party in the occupied state. These same tatics will cause the ranks of the very "dissidents" they are trying to ignore, to grow.

Now this was supposed to be a short one and as a result I don't really have time to build a conclusion. These are just more thoughts going on in my head. I will write in more detail later.

God Bless


  1. You're obviously extremely naive and/or ignorant if you think that the British state has any power or influence on anything at the moment other than trying to bankrupt itself.

    The British Empire is dead. It's now the stillborn dead sister of American imperialism.

    You're just as bad as Paisley because you want to enforce your dogma onto the public. You want a Gaelic 32-county-state. Paisley wanted a 'free' Ulster.

    Most people on this island just want to get on with our lives. We'll decide later what we want politcally.

    But for now I won't support fucking idiots who try to massacre innocent members of the public for whatever bullshit reasons they proclaim.

    If you haven't realized by now that in order to unite Ireland you hsve to unite ALL people, then you're seriously fucking retarded, man.

  2. Can you read? I actually say in this post that I don't support shooting police officers.

    Obviously the British state has influence. We can't devolve policing and justice without them for example.

    Also if you actually read my blog you will see that yes my preference would be a gaelic state, but at no stage do I claim it to be more than a preference. Its like an opinion.

    Now, you are either niave or ignorant if you believe that any aspect of life is not effected by politics. So, again if you took the time to read the contents of my blog, you would see the reason I support a 32 County Republic is because under the British rule people can not just continue. The state is constantly failing the people. It always has.

    Read my blog, cause you clearly haven't. Your just another commenter that has jumped to the conclusion that you understand my beliefs without actually asking about them, assuming your "obviously" right. I have wrote in my blog many times that we must unite the people. I have wrote in my blog that dividing the people is a concept, far removed from Republicanism. I have even went as far to say "hating the enemy" is non Republican.

    So before you start accusing people of niavity, ignorance and retardedness, evaluate yourself first and see just how many of these errors you see in yourself.

    Now before we get into this back and forth "Well you need to do it to" arguement, again by reading the blog you will see me constantly going over issues and re-evaluating my opinions on them.
