Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Halloween II

Well I'm just back from seeing Rob Zombies Halloween II, and I'm typing this straight up so ignore any grammar or spelling errors. Firstly he massacred the whole thing.

I'll explain why John Carpenter's Halloween is in my opinion the best ever horror film. Lets start with the use of suspense and iconic use of music.

The whole film plays on your senses, creating fear and suspense so that by the time we reach the finally we are already scared. The film without music is less that frightening, and is actually more humorous than anything else. The music turns this film into a horror masterpiece.

The film does not rely on the same awful tactics that are over used so much today, especially by Rob Zombie. It relys purely on being a good story line. There is effectively no gore, the language is not foul, their is little nudity and the camera doesn't shake every time something happens. So why do the remakes not make the grade?? Well simply they just aren't as good. Lets look at the first remake.

Rob Zombie actually doesn't over do the gore or nudity as much as he usually does, although there was still to much and the language is disgusting. The characters are completely different from those of the original.

Firstly Michael Myers: In the original masterpiece he comes from a well off family, or so we can assume due to the house and the suits the family are wearing upon arriving home. We get no back story so there is actually no reason for Michael to be a killer. This is why h is so frightening, he just is a killer. "No reason, No Conscience, No understanding". He is the manifestation of Evil.

In Rob Zombies remake, or re-imagining as he calls it, Michael Myers comes from an extremely bad family life and is bullied in school and is mentally effected and becomes a killer. This lacks the fear factor as it does in fact have reasoning. He is not pure evil, merely a child that slipped through the system.

Secondly Laurie Strode: In the original she is studious and the perfect child. Does well in school and studies. Although she smokes in the film you get the impression she is a "good egg" and that she doesn't smoke or drink or be promiscuous. She loves the kids she babysits, or if not lets them think she does and gets on well with them.

Rob Zombie portrays her as a 17 year old jailbait, who is not actually great with the kids and doesn't treat them all that well. In the second film he has turned her into some punk chick, verging on slut, with issues over her interaction with Myers.

Thirdly Dr Sam Loomis: In the original he is portrayed as a man who devotes his time to Myers, and is actually sympathetic to the people and actually wants to stop him. In the remake his character is okay, but in Halloween II his character is completely wrong, turned into a gold digger sponging money out of the story and trying to pick up the girls as he goes along.

So he changes the characters thus changing the whole feel of the movie, he gives Myers a back story that makes you almost sympathetic towards him as opposed to fearing him. So although it has more gore than the original and more sexual scenes its actually not a bad watch, if he'd clean the language. However when it comes to Halloween II he has lot the plot completely, making an absolute mess out of the whole thing.

He changes the storyline completely. As mentioned before he further changes, or develops he would say, the characters and further strays from the point. The use of Myers having visions of his mother is over done and not all that effective. He uses gore and nudity to sell this one, which is a tactic I despise in film and he tops it of with foul language. Nearly all murder scenes over use camera shake apart from one where the screen goes black for no real reason at all.

The whole film is predictable, monotonous and tedious and sadly ends with a perfect opener for a third film, which judging from the end could change the entire direction and story of the Halloween franchise. I don't want to put in spoilers so I won't explain that one further.

Simply Rob Zombie massacred this one.

God Bless

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