The BBC once again does not come out looking to good in this blog. Now maybe the BBC in this situation just don't see the Palestinian story important, but the way they report only makes me feel they are just Pro-Israeli. At the beginning of the week reports announced that Israel had fired on a Lebanon Ship, bringing aid to Gaza. The BBC reported this as a side story online with the headline "Israel 'attack' Gaza aid ship", insinuating that this is only an alleged incident. Al Jazeera had the story as breaking news.
Now the truth is a little hazy to me, however Palestinians on the ship say Israel fired, and Israel have denied it. Either way the BBC has failed to report the story effectively. Israel however did admit to boarding the boat. The Aid and the Activists were expelled, but blood products were brought by road. Reports claim that men on the boats were beaten and kicked, though once again Israel denies this.
Also following the seizure of aid, by HAMAS, the UN has decided to cease sending Aid. Hamas has said the seizure of the Aid was a mistake, and that the aid will be returned. The UN are currently still waiting.
In the early hours of Friday morning, Israeli forces fired four missiles on to the Gazan smuggling tunnels. The attacks came following two rockets fired onto southern Israel from Gaza.
Also Israeli forces killed a man in the West Bank, but I will not claim to have enough knowledge of the situation to make any statements about it.
The world can not seriously believe that there is still a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel has broken that ceasefire, and is still forcing Palestinians to live in abject poverty. The Siege of Gaza must end, and it must end now. The only way to make a lasting effect on Israel is to boycott their goods. The EU governments must urge for an end to Israeli - EU trade.
Does the world want to see Israel successfully complete their Ethnic Cleansing of the Palestinian People? If they refuse to recognise the crimes of the Israeli state, and recognise the plight of the Palestinian people then that is exactly what will happen. The World vowed "Never Again", and yet they stand by and ignore this Ethnic Cleansing. Disgraceful.
God Bless
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