Wednesday, 4 February 2009

The World Vowed Never Again. Why then did it happen?

"On occasions such as this, rhetoric comes easily. We rightly say 'never again.' But action is much harder. Since the Holocaust the world has, to its shame, failed more than once to prevent or halt genocide." - Kofi Annan

After the truely horrific events, now known as the Holocaust, became common knowledge the world vowed that this would never happen again; that the world could not let this happen again. However the world has systematically failed time and time again to prevent history repeating itself.

On many occasions, the suposed, powers of the world have wasted time discussing "Is the term Genocide applicable?" or that the Rules of intervention are not clear and thus they do not know if they can act. Whatever the excuse the world has failed.

  1. Bangladesh 1971: 10 months of fighting led to the slaughter of 500,000 Hindus. No one was ever held to account.
  2. Burundi 1972: the Tutsi tribe slaughtered 80,000 Hutus.
  3. East Timor 1975: 200,000 East Timorese were slaughtered. Violence continued in 1999. UN took no action.
  4. Guatemala 1981-83: 200,000 Mayan victims were slaughtered.
  5. Bosnia 1992-1995: 200,000 Muslims slaughtered. UN Troops did nothing.
  6. Rawanda 1994: 100 days of Genocide leave 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus dead at the hands of the Hutu. UN troops where ordered to withdraw once violence started.
  7. Darfur 2003-Present Day: Janjaweed and Sudan Government Have slaughtered 300,000 in Darfur.
  8. Palestine 1948: Since 1948 Israeli forces have taken part in an ethnic cleasing of Palestinian Arabs. In 22 Days of terrorism, 1,300 Palestinians were Slaughtered, 400 of them Children. The UN did nothing.
Some experts are known to have said that 37 incidents have occured, where the world have not acted, and allowed the slaughters and Genocides to continue, under the disguise of a single word... War.

What about Tibet? Burma? Iraq? Afghanistan? Ireland? The list goes on and on.

I don't really know what point to end on here. Its a sad realistion that the world has let this happen. Furthermore rich countries ignore starvation and disease, in developing countries.

We must not let the world fail again. This is why we must urge the UN, the EU and our own nations to begin a boycott of Israel. They need to cut down on the money wasted on weaponry, and help the poor and the starving and the opressed. The world can be a better place, if only enough people want it to be.

In the words of Frank Turner "Come on Old Friends to the Streets". Stand up for what you believe in, and shout if you have too.

God Bless

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