The headline read "Israel Vows Tough Rocket Response". This is a promise, that the Israeli state will intentionally act violently and strongly against the people of Gaza. How is this not worthy of a frontpage story?
The speech made by Ehud Olmert, to his Cabinet, promises a "severe and disproportionate response". For many this was what brought attention to the crisis. People, not completely agreeing with Palestine's cause, still believed that Israel were wrong for their disproportionate action. This is a promise that admits they will not be acting as a responsible government, but will take revenge. It is almost an admittal that more Civilians will die.
Now it is clear that Rockets have been fired onto the south of the Israeli state. Responsibility for these rockets have been cliamed by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs, according to Al Jazeera. This means that Hamas have not broken the ceasefire. Why then does Israel continue to make threats against Hamas, and the Palestinian people that elected them? The words of Taher al-Nunu seem to make sense to me.
"This is an attempt to find a false excuse to escalate the aggression against the Palestinians, to destroy the egyptian efforts to improve the calm and to use the pressure against the Plaestinian people to accept Israeli conditions in those talks"
I can only hope that the Israeli elections, taking place on the 10th of February, can produce a governing body, lest racist than that of Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni the "Foreign" minister. I unfortunately can't see this happening, as many candidates have already stated their intention to continue the illegal siege and the threat of illegal military action.
On a positive note, the UN has called for an independant body to carry out War Crimes. I'm not a fan of the United Nations. Is it not up to them to defend the people of the world? Can they not do more than make a suggestion? Well appearently they can. The United Nations have announced that an investigation will take place into the attacks of the UN Headquarters. Not a perfect solution, but it is a start.
I am suprised to read of Ban Ki-moon's statement, at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
"Over the past several weeks, unacceptable and terrible situations have taken place against the civilian people and against particularly the United Nations compounds, where many civilians were sheltered"
Ban Ki-moon also launch an appeal to raise money to help the rebuild of Gaza, and to provie aid to the 50,800 left homeless and the 400,000 left with out clean drinking water. However he stated that his aim for $613 Million would only cover the next six months of required aid. I'm may be one of only a few, but I don't see Egypt as innocent parties in this whole conflict, however I am please to hear that they intend to raise $2 Billion for Gaza.
However the United States, another nation that seems these days to be anti Islam and anti Palestinian has tried to throw yet another spanner in the works. Even with the new Leadership for whom so many held hope. Susan Rice, the new US ambassador to the Security Council has suggested that any Investigations should be carried out by the Israeli Government. She said
"We expect Israel will meet its international obligations to investigate and we also call upon all members of the international community to refrain from politicising these important issues"
How ridiculous it is, to actually try and convince the people of the World, that a State that indiscriminately destroyed the lifes of at least 1,000 families, by killing 1,300 people including men women and children, will carry out fair investigations into its own crime and punish itself. That is not only ridiculous, but an insult to the intellegance of the public, worldwide.
The 53 member body of the African Union has also called for investigations into the series of "massive, idiscriminate and disproportionate raids", and condemned Israeli action. The Irish Times has printed a full page of names for the IPSC, calling for justice. Over 350 people signed, and the add was paid for by the signatories.
To close here I would like to make a very harsh set of statements. Ehud Olmert and Tzipi Livni are murderers. They are two of a vast amount of Israelis who are. I am not calling Israelis murderers, but the men and women that helped to murder innocent civilians.
The United States, Sky TV, BBC, Dead Sea Spa, Marks and Spenser, Starbucks amoung many many more are sponsers of the murders, and are infac accessory to murder.
So people I urge you, for the cause of innocent people, to support the continuing Boycott of Israel, and their trade, which by International law, is actually illegal. I urge you to call on the governing bodies of your countries and states to condemn the Israeli treatment of Palestinian people, and to stop there trade with Israel and expel the Israeli ambassadors, just like Chavez. If you believe in Prayer, then pray for justice.
God Bless
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