Friday 2 May 2008

End of Year Formal; Reflection

Well I really can't believe What date it is. My second year of University is complete. It feels so weird, and honestly a little depressing when I reflect on the lack of success I've had. But at least I have made it through the fog. I thought I'd post my reflecton here.

By the time I had made it back to Uni after first year I was already feeling miffed about Uni. I had just scraped through and on a social level I hadn't heard from anyone for 4 months. I decided that This year would be different, and I'd be more out going. For some reason however, I began to feel anxious. I found it more and more difficult to talk to anyone, including the people I spoke to before. I was at the End of Year formal tonight, and realised that I still don't really know anyone. Thats not to say the formal wasn't very much appreciated.

On a Coursework level, this is where I'm at; I only managed minimum marks in my first semester. All the second semester hand-ins were this week. I had to stay late every night just to meet hand in. My latest stay was 1:30am thursday/friday morning. Come half one I just wanted to scream, and so I uploaded what I had and considered myself finished.

I had a Crit session today on my design module, and for the first time this year they lecturers seemed relevtivly content. Thats one success at least. For now I think that as usual, I may just scrape through with minimum marks. This has led me to reflect on other topics but I'll not get into them now.

As for now, with life this is where I am. Another chapter closed, looking out to the horizon, to a four month summer, followed by a year Full time employment in the industry.

For now, God Bless

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